I should have been in bed two and a half hours ago. Instead, Im playing some stupid game called Air Attack. If youre wondering, its a remake of 1942 - on steroids. The graphics are amazing, great musical score . . . and it keeps going. Ive gone a number of levels into it, and I still havent hit the end. For the price, youd think it would be over after a few levels. But no. It keeps going. And going. And going . . .
At first, I was thinking that the automatic firing was going to be annoying, but then I realised that I would have been standing on the mouse button pretty much the whole time anyway. Thats what I used to do with 1942. So I guess its not really such a bad idea. Maybe a toggle, so at least I feel like Im the one doing the firing? But anyway, its an addictive game thats worth more than whats being charged. As others have noted, this is a $0.99 app in price tag only. Grab it before they change their mind.
And yes, it has elements of Zaxxon, too. And Tyrian. And Raptor. And most of the other scrollers. This ones the best so far.
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